Fernando Alonso out of Bahrain Grand Prix

McLaren driver Fernando Alonso has today been ruled out of this weekend’s Bahrain Grand Prix after fracturing his ribs in his high speed crash in the Australian GP.The Spanish driver was deemed unfit to race by an FIA medical assessment and admitted “it is not 100 per cent” certain he will return to action in China in two weeks’ time. Alonso said he was “a little bit disappointed” to miss out but accepted the FIA doctors’ decision.

alonso crash
An image from Alonso’s horrific crash in Melbourne.

McLaren reserve driver Stoffel Vandoorne will drive in Alonso’s place this weekend for his F1 debut. Alonso reviled he didn’t feel too much pain following the incident but on his return to Spain CT’s showed the he had small pneumothorax on the lung which has since cleared but he also fractured his ribs. Alonso said “I have some rib fractures, so because of that there is a risk of driving because Formula 1 is a unique sport, a unique position on the car, and with the G-forces the fracture could move into the lung as well.”

Alonso had a huge accident two weeks ago in Melbourne when his car barrel rolled through the Turn Three gravel trap after colliding with the Haas of Esteban Gutierrez. The sensors on-board the McLaren are reported to have recorded a peak force of 47G.

The FIA issued a statement saying “Two sets of chest CT scans were compared and it was decided that there was insufficient resolution of the signs to allow him to compete on safety grounds. A repeat chest scan has been requested before the Chinese Grand Prix and the results will be considered before allowing him to race there.”

Alonso will remain in Bahrain to support Vandoorne and to assess updates to his McLaren.


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